XSEED Preparing Unchained Blades For Two Separate Portable Launches

Unchained Blades will be the next release from the folks at XSEED.

XSEED Games, a company that thrives on bringing entertaining Japanese RPG experiences to US shores, is quite busy these days.  Along with putting the finishing touches on The Last Story for Wii, it’s also been working on the portable front, and you’ll be able to see one part of the fruits of their labor fairly soon.

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The company has announced that it will be releasing the long-awaited Unchained Blades to the PlayStation Portable this month, both in retail and digital form.  In addition, a 3DS version is also in the works, due for release later this year.

In the game, which came out in Japan last year, you can journey with four characters as a battle party, working with monsters that you “unchain” who them join up with you in battle.  Think of it as Pokemon but without the ridiculous characters or cute creatures, with big beasts put in their place.

The game comes to us from a development team that includes veterans from both the Lunar and Grandia projects, so you can expect nothing short of a grandeur role-playing epic when the game arrives.  We’ll see if we can get more information for you before its release.


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