Super Slim PlayStation 3 Coming?

“Never say never”

Are Sony thinking about releasing a super slim PS3?

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“Never say never” has come a response from the company.

The PlayStation 3 has already had one reboot, when they brought out the new PS3 Slim at German tradeshow Gamescom. It’s a much smaller, quieter affair that weighs a significant amount less (36% in fact).

That was all of three years ago though, and the PS3 is starting to get on (though its exclusive range of games and graphical prowess just keeps on giving). There’s rumor floating around the ether that a new model may emerge at a cheaper price with even more compact diameters than the last model.

When speaking quizzed on the subject at E3 Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida answered:

“We haven’t announced anything new on PS3 in terms of hardware revisions. We should never say never – hardware guys are always looking at ways to make things cheaper, smaller.”

Does that mean it’ll happen?

“I don’t know if we are going to talk about anything like that. We are quite happy with the PS3.”

He wasn’t too keen to give much away, much like when quizzed on the possibility of Move upgrades:

“It’s very difficult to answer your questions,” Yoshida replied. “We are not talking about any hardware revisions. We are very happy with what we have with PS3, PS Move. If anything, we haven’t been able to really fully make use of the potential of PS Move. We are still finding new ways to use PS Move on PS3, and we continue to search for applications.”

Sony was at one point considering something similar to Microsoft’s Kinect system, which would have entailed controller-free gaming.

“When we were developing PS Move, we looked at every other sensor technology,” Yoshida revealed. “As I understand, Kinect is a combination of hardware solution and Microsoft internal software solution. So it’s not like we looked at Microsoft’s internal software!

“So when, during the course of introducing and launching PS Move, we could have, might have, spoken about – we looked at the Kinect technology. We were talking about the hardware sensor technology, and that was not something we thought we wanted for PS3.”

So might Sony do some more research into the field?

“Well, these technologies continue to evolve, so our hardware guys are always searching for and talking to different tech providers, so never say never.”

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.