Which Marvel Snap Cards are Dropping from Series 5 and 4 in March 2023? – Series Drop Info

Find out what's gonna be a lot cheaper soon.

Image via Marvel Snap

Marvel Snap is an ever-growing CCG (Collectible Card Game) with a specific method of obtaining new cards that you can use in your decks. You can’t outright buy the cards you want, instead, the method is quite random and you more or less depending on the RNG. That’s kind of problematic when you are starting out and can’t really compete against the field effectively since Series 5 and Series 4 cards are much more difficult to obtain. However, Second Dinner has decided to gradually move *some* of the cards from Series 5 to Series 4 and from Series 4 to Series 3, so that more new cards can be added to Series 5. This March, a handful of cards are dropping from higher to lower Series, and Prima Games is delivering the info on which ones this ruckus is all about.

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What Marvel Snap Cards are Moving from Pool 5 to Pool 4 and from Pool 4 to Pool 3 in March 2023?

Here is the official poster that announces these changes. Save your Credits if you need these cards!

Image via Marvel Snap Discord

Orka, Attuma, and M’Baku are dropping from Series 4 to Series 3. Orka is just a bad card all in all, Attuma has some niche appearances in Armor / Zero decks and due to its dependence is not that good, and M’Baku is basically a meme card to produce Twitch Highlights. Full support that these cards get downgraded as low as possible, because nobody really needs them that much. Good riddance!

Related: A Player Has Somehow Reached The Current Maximum Collection Level in Marvel Snap

Zabu, Sauron, Shadow King, Shanna, and Dazzler are the cards that are dropping from Series 5 to Series 4. Zabu is a notorious kitty-cat that got its nerf coming from the moment it was announced (Second Dinner maybe thought that it won’t make a big impact on the meta at the time). Sauron is a cool card with niche use (maybe for some hot location shenanigans sometimes), Shadow King, Shanna, and Dazzler all have interesting effects, but they didn’t shine in the meta yet.

The Series Drop happens with the next patch.

Related: Zabu and Silver Surfer Have Finally Been Nerfed – How do I feel about this?

More to come next month, I guess, when we expect M.O.D.O.K. to move down from Series 5 to Series 4, since his Battle Pass is over. We hope you liked this article and we invite you to check out our Marvel Snap stuff at the game tag below!

About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.